We manufacture a unique Car Luggage Rack - the boot-bag. ( us limey's call a trunk a boot )
Boot-bag is a waterproof luggage bag that simply straps to the trunk lid of your car adding either 1.75 or 2.65 cubic feet of waterproof luggage space. The bag simply straps around your car's trunk. It sits on a soft non slip mat to protect paintwork. The straps stay in place once the bag is fitted and won't rub the trunk edge.
Read a review of boot-bag Miata Luggage Rack by the Delaware Valley Miata Club here.
We make two models of boot-bag Car Luggage Rack :
Boot-bag Original $159 28"x15"x8" adding 1.75 cubic feet of extra luggage space
Boot-bag Vacation $195 36"x16"x8" adding 2.65 of extra luggage space